Our Philosophy

Elementary School Counseling services are an integral part of the total school program and complement learning in the classroom. A school guidance program reaches every student and will focus on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for successful academic achievement, career development, and personal/social growth. Services are child-centered, proactive, and developmental. Our professional school counselors spend their time working directly with students to maximize the benefits every student will receive from the program. This will be accomplished through the use of School Counseling Curriculum, Individual Student Planning, Responsive Services, and System Support. School counseling services are comprehensive in scope, preventative in design, developmental in nature, and intended to enhance the potential of ALL elementary students.

Therefore, as an educational system we believe we can teach all children and all children can learn. We believe accessing knowledge, reasoning, questioning, and problem solving are the foundations for learning in an ever-changing world. We believe education enables students to recognize and strive for higher standards. Consequently, we will commit our efforts to help students acquire knowledge and attitudes considered valuable in order to develop their potential and/or their career and lifetime aspirations.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Angry Birds!

After I posted the iPad apps last week I checked out the Angry Bird link. Not an app but a cool lesson on anger management posted by a mom! Her site, http://thehometeacher.blogspot.com/, has some really fun ideas for younger kids. This month at Beartooth we're working on Conflict Resolution, the first week about how to handle your anger. I'm going to do a follow up lesson this week with the booklet/posters/lesson below. Check it out!



Tanya said...

I looked at this when you posted re: the ipad...such a creative idea. Here's something you might be able to use add onto the lesson (I love games!) http://pinterest.com/pin/189080884325323086/

Tanya said...

Also, my kids have all of the stuffed angry birds....if you want to borrow them for your lesson, just let me know! :)

Lisa said...

Awesome...where did you get them? On Friday I'm doing it with 1st grade on Friday.