
Friday, April 20, 2012

Amazing Video for Perseverance Lesson

As soon as I saw this video I thought it would be perfect for a lesson I'm doing in 4th grade about perseverance (academic domain).  There is one quick, quick part that I will cover the projector for as I saw a questionable word (6:27), but otherwise it is a great example of a kid who's resilience and patience was rewarded and his talents finally recognized by others.

I'm also using this video for my perseverance lesson (below), but I love that the first one recognizes a child near their age.

What are some resources you've used to teach perseverance?

-- Tanya

1 comment:

  1. For May our theme is "Follow Your Dreams" with week 3 being "Working on a Dream"...setting goals, taking necessary steps to reach their dream, and perseverance. Kindergarten and 1st reads "Superdog:the Heart of a Hero", Grade 2 reads "Unstoppable Me!" that focuses on 10 ways to handle tough things that kids may face. Grades 5-6 are watching Natural High to focus on identifying and working toward a goal/dream. :) Great post, Tanya!
