
Sunday, October 16, 2011

National Bully Prevention Month

Hey everyone, so I'm hoping that this blog will be a good central location for us to share...I love all the great ideas I get from you all but more often than not I lose the email or scrap of paper I  wrote the great idea on! Let me know what you think...good, bad, indifferent! 
I don't know about you but this month has been so crazy...I didn't even get to attend one of our area meetings which I advocated for so strongly! Guidance this month is concentrating on bully review, intro to, how to handle anger, I-message, etc. in conjunction with National Bully Prevention Month. Thanks, by the way, Tanya for the CNN link about handling bullying with your school counselor. So let me know what you think, your ideas. Eventually I plan to have our mission statement, ASCA/MSCA standards as well as our own which we'll be working on this year.  :)   ~lisa


  1. Here's a link I found today for a free downloadable workbook for children of's more suited for intermediate grades. Looks really good. The website offers free webinars as well.

  2. Thanks for starting this blog, Lisa!
