
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Friendship Bingo

Happy almost last day! Fun hanging with you all yesterday. I know, I know, I shouldn't be thinking of next year already but I found  fun website for teachers by teachers . . . free downloads and for pay stuff, too. This is a Bingo game that would be fun for Counselor Intro/1st week of school.
Have an awesome, relaxing summer ! !

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Global Alliance for Preventing Relational Aggression

Another great blog to check out is the GARPA where the previous article (A-Z Friendship) came from. If You sign up on their home site they will send you regularly posted articles from their blog.

The A-Z Summer Friendship List (re-post from A Way Through)

By Jane Balvanz, MSE, RPT
Summer is a time for kid heaven. It’s a time for freedom, friendships, fun, and eventually, “Mom, I have nothing to do.” (For precise expressiveness, the word “mom” must be said in a nasal tone and as if comprised of two syllables.)
Not to worry! Hand this list over to your child and say, “I know just what you can do. *Complete this list by the time summer is over, and you will have practiced most of the skills necessary to build good friendships.”
Apologize – Say you’re sorry when you mess up.
Balance – Balance your time wisely between friends and responsibilities.
Cool – Cool down your temper by deep breathing or walking away.
Dream – Dream about how you want your friendships to be.
Encourage – Encourage someone when they are feeling down or afraid.
Feel – Feel your emotions instead of stuffing them inside.
Give – Give of yourself. Help someone who could use help.
Humble – Be humble when you are complimented on an accomplishment.
Integrate – When someone wants to join you, integrate them into your group.
Judge – Judge friendships on your own experience, not by someone’s opinion.
Kick – Kick a habit that interferes with your friendships.
Laugh – Find someone who makes you laugh. Laughter = friendship magic!
Manage – Manage your commitments and do what you have promised.
Negotiate – Negotiate a compromise in a friendship disagreement.
Oppose – Oppose actions that purposely hurt another.
Praise – Praise someone’s accomplishments.
Quit – Quit a friendship that doesn’t feel good.
Relate – Find a way to relate to someone who is different than you.
Start – Start a new friendship.
Team – Team up with others to have fun.
Understand – Try to understand an opinion different than yours.
Value – Value others who make you feel good about yourself.
Wonder – Wonder about what makes a good friend.
X – X out the negative attitude. No one loves a grump.
Yield – Yield to your friends now and then to share decision-making.
Zip – Zip your lips when you feel like repeating words that hurt
© 2012 A Way Through, LLC
Bullying strategists Jane Balvanz and Blair Wagner publish GAPRA’s bi-weekly articles. If you’re ready to guide children in grades K – 12 through painful friendships and emotional bullying:
For help with emotional
For the When Girls Hurt Girls®

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Social Media and Younger Kids


Lately, I am becoming more and more alarmed at the unlimited  access elementary school aged students have to the internet and social media!
One of my 5th graders proudly showed me that she has an unlimited data package on her new smart phone . . . not to mention all the kids with iPod Touches with the same features. Here's an informative article with great resources for parents and educators to handle social media with younger kids.

Free Spirit Publishing Blog

I wanted to share a fun resource I found recently, the Free Spirit Publishing blog for educators. I love Free Spirit Publishing books as I'm sure you do, too. Their how-to books  are fun and informative for both kids and the grown-ups in their lives.